We deliver joy through service

It’s a smile, a word of advice, a friendly hello. It’s a hot coffee, a cold beer, a comfy chair. Joy comes in all shapes and sizes, in different places at different times, but at Wests, joy exists in all places at all times. Our genuine, heartfelt service is the gift that we give to our members and guests every day. The happiness that we create, the joy that we deliver is what keeps people coming back time and time again.

We make the little things count

At Wests we understand that the little things often mean just as much as the big things. A friendly smile, a helpful direction, a gentle word of encouragement can mean as much as delivering a grand wedding or an award winning performance. We understand that every person expects different things from their experience at Wests, but collectively our members and guests keep coming back for what really counts - that feeling of friendship and community where memories are made.

We create positive experiences and long lasting memories

Generations of people belong to our Wests family because we create good times and positive experiences. We create places where life-long friendships are formed, and life changing events happen. People remember their first rugby league game, their first concert, and their first gruelling fitness class. They celebrate weddings, commemorate birthdays and come together to share the community spirit. Wests touches people’s hearts for all the right reasons.

We are passionate, determined and pursue growth

Wests has cemented its place in the hearts and minds of our community by maintaining a passionate determination to make progress that delivers benefits to all. We embrace change and invite the future into everything we do, always looking to tomorrow and striving for excellence. Our employees and members join us in our journey to grow and succeed and to make a positive difference.

We are innovative and embrace change

Pushing the boundaries, running hard and thinking big are at the heart of Wests culture. We encourage thinkers, creators and innovators who dare to dream and work to deliver. We like the look and feel of change – the fireworks, the anticipation, excitement, rewards and the overwhelming satisfaction. We are dedicated to being bold, leading the way and shining our light on the community.

We celebrate our diversity

We are so proud that our business supports a culturally rich and diverse community. Our employees, along with our members and guests, represent many nations and a spectrum of social networks. A visit to any Wests venue reveals the diversity in our ranks and the comfort and security provided by embracing this diversity. Wests is a place where everybody can come together as one and feel like they belong.

We build strong relationships and a sense of belonging

We are warm, friendly, inviting and encouraging. We nurture relationships of all shapes and sizes between people from all walks of life. Our employees are our members, our members are our friends and together we all create a community where people feel like they belong. Many members have grown with us, supported us through decades of change and continue to embrace us as we diversify and strengthen.

We are honest, open and we smile

Wests has an impressive workforce of dedicated people who work hard and true. We are focused and resolute in delivering service beyond people’s expectations and sharing our own joy and pride that comes from being a part of the Wests family. Sharing the happiness at Wests is easy as this is honestly what we love to do.

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