Our Community

The Board, management and employees of Wests believe we are an integral part of the community of Newcastle and the Hunter region. We believe that being a good corporate citizen is more than just contributing financially to a cause and instead about the growth of our region.

Wests supports the community by providing a valuable place of employment for more than 1,100 local people.

Wests partners with local organisations to share knowledge and provide support and resources outside of the Group through volunteer hours during events, support for employment opportunities and on the job training.  Learn More:

Supporting Education

Wests proudly provides students from local universities and schools, work placement opportunities, internships, and apprenticeships allowing them to engage with the business and gain real life experiences supported by helpful and knowledgeable professionals.

Supporting Industry

Wests works in partnership with the community to promote the hospitality industry by offering group visits and tours of our facilities. Our managers offer their time and expertise to facilitate site tours of our clubs, gyms and hotels across the Group, to engage with community and local registered training organisations.


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