Mental Health Awareness Month

This October, we proudly teamed up with several organisations to help us deliver a variety of initiatives to our workforce to support Mental Health Awareness Month:

  • A Big Blue Morning Tea was hosted to have a conversation about mental health and raise funds for Beyond Blue.
  • The Rosewood Centre will host several sessions to help increase awareness and provide useful tips for employees to support others in the workplace.
  • Caddie Marshall MBA RN CM Grad Cert OHS will deliver Mental Health First Aid training as a 2-day program and refresher courses to new and emerging leaders. During her visits, she will also be holding multiple Mindfulness Sessions to help with stress management techniques.
  • LivingWorks Australia “Start” Online Suicide Prevention Training will be accessible for all employees.
This months’ activities highlighted the importance of mental health in our everyday lives and workplace. It also encouraged employees to reach out for help and how to provide empathetic support to others.
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